Thursday, June 25, 2009

Early to rise in Ness City, Kansas

June 24: 104 miles from Tribune, KS, to Ness City, KS

We left early to beat the heat as much as possible - high of 100 again. Anna, the very accomodating owner of our motel was up and about, too, and informed us that the Trails End has a myspace page. We chatted for a bit and then rode 22 miles to Leoti for a full breakfast. Along the way, we crossed into the Central Time Zone as we left Greeley County ( named for Horace Greeley) and entered Wichitaw County.

There was good spacing between towns so we stayed as cool and hydrated as possible. We made it to the Derrick Inn around 4:45 even after losing an hour. There was a Frigid Creme next door that rewarded Larry with a pineapple sundae and me with a limeade. As of this morning, Larry's ankle looks a bit better. Kansas continues to treat us well!

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