Wednesday, July 30, 2008

blog for july 26

July 26, 2008   Rode to Cave In Rock, IL     63 miles

Breakfast at Delaney's on Broadway in Goreville got us off to a good start.  This cafe really caters to cyclist as do many stops along the way.  The walls and tables have pictures of the many cyclist that have passed through over the years.  Elizabethtown was the stop for lunch at a cafe floating on the Ohio River serving up catfish dinners.  Two ladies at the visitors center, Veldene Jerrels and Linda Jerrels, where very helpful in providing interesting information about the area.  This would be a nice town to return to.  

We camped that night at Cave In Rock State Park which is highlighted by, what else, a large cave.  The cave is huge and was a stopping place with shelter for many early pioneers, pirates. and other assorted folks. 

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